Thursday, April 23, 2009

In gratitude I face the sky...

What a beautiful and peaceful day?
The sky is clear, blue and bright,
the sun is shining just as it should.

I hear the birds chirping and
the wind whispering through the trees
and echoing through my window

I sit here and face the sky
with a smirk in my face and
gratefulness fills my eyes.

The white and fluffy clouds look down on me.
It gives me comfort. It gives me peace
that today I breath!

I breath in this magnificence
and nothing else fills my mind
Thank goodness, I'm alive!

Today is always a great day for change!!!

Today I decided to write again. I signed up for blogging since July 2007 but never got to really doing it. I remember wanting to have a blog forever, well to keep a journal, that is. Blogging is an online journal. I figured keeping a journal is a great way to release stress such as pent up emotions, thoughts and ideas. It is also an effective way to follow my progress in any goals I set (i.e. fitness, health, relationship, financial, overall wellness), and be able to share it with others.

It took awhile for me to get back to blogging, maybe I didn't like writing as much as my daughter does. Writing is her passion and she is very good at it. She was born a writer. I am more a of thinker, I think:-), and that could be my downfall. When I think too much, I overwhelm myself and end up not writing or enjoying it. Perhaps I should just stop thinking it through for once and just write. Now that is a concept!

If only I can be a kid again, this won't be a problem. Well, lucky for me, today is always great day to start! . Here is to a great beginning!

With Love and Gratitude,



My blog is lovingly dedicated to my daughter, Amanda Marie, who inspires me to live, laugh, love and write about it. I love you you babe!
